Today we’re happy to share with the world our fresh new brand and logo. You’ll also notice new color scheme and a completely different look & feel- but there’s so much more than that. Here’s a brief explanation of what has led to it and what it stands for.

Switching gears
StoreDot’s new brand is the result of a thorough strategic process that started about a year and a half ago, when we reevaluated our efforts and proven solutions in various markets, including drones and consumer electronics, and decided to put all our chips on the most pressing challenge: provide a reliable fast charging battery for electric cars and thus pave the road to a broad global adoption of EVs and consequently – to a zero-emission world.
We then chose Awesome | Deloitte Digital to create a new and more cohesive visual identity to reflect the shift.
StoreDot is evolving
So, after we have introduced radical technology that has completely changed traditional Li-ion battery chemistry, and have since proven it across many applications and use cases while gaining a massive experience in transitioning from lab to mass production lines, we’re entering a new chapter that is focused on production-ready battery solutions that will enable car makers and the entire EV ecosystem to successfully drive the EV revolution through the next coming years.
Charging the EV lifestyle
We believe EVs should be matched to the lifestyle of customers, with range available when needed. In the coming years drivers will expect cars to match their digital lives and be accessible, efficient, in time.
To us it is clear that EVs will soon be part of the on-demand economy. We therefore design batteries for the EV drivers of tomorrow and offer car makers the confidence through the new currency we call Range On Demand™.

New era, new logo
As much as we love our logo, we felt that it had to be revamped to match the age of electrification that is going to dominate our lives. Furthermore, we sought a logo that will symbolize extreme fast movement, daily route and the much-needed range drivers care about.

What happens next?
We’re excited about our fresh new look but more so- we’re looking forward to continue and drive change, to work hand in hand with our ecosystem partners and to make a massive impact, for good.